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  • Chemical injection control for filter by “Linearized control” [ProMix system]

Chemical injection control for filter by “Linearized control” [ProMix system]

Stock raiser in the Shikoku region (Japan)
Product used
DulcoMeter Dialog (DACb)
Water quality measurement sensor (DulcoTest)
Sensor holders and accessories
ProMix chemical injection dual control system
Water filter used for ranch. Aggregator (PAC) and residual salt injection according to turbidity and residual salt values
Water quality controller/sensor

Issues / requests

Inject a flocculant (PAC) for slow sand filtration and inject chlorine into the filtered water. Pump configuration was complicated because the PAC injection volume was not proportional to the turbidity.

Tohkemy's proposal

Adopted "linearize" control, which calculates the turbidity value _and the amount of water flowing through it. Appropriate PAC injection can be performed, reducing unnecessary chemical injection _and reducing costs. In ProMix, in addition to simple "flow rate proportional control", "linearize control" that performs output calculation from multiple items of flow rate change _and turbidity change is also possible.

Water quality controller/sensor

Head Office

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